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"Русский переплет"

Выдержки из письма 4 нобелевским лауреатам и 100 ученым мира + несколько слов от моего коллеги из Югославии

-----Original Message-----

From: Dr. Veljko Milutinovic []

Sent: Thursday, April 08, 1999 11:36 PM

Subject: To 4 Nobel Laureates and 100 Friends: Only 40 Lines - PLEASE, READ!

... looks like, NATO will KILL all Serbian people in the name of HUMANITY! Before NATO bombing, there were NO uprooted Albanians, while 500K Serbians were uprooted from Kosovo, due to Albanian terror in the last 58 years (at the same time, 500K illegal imigrants came from Albania to Kosovo, and did not pay a cent of taxes in their lives). What happens to tax abusers in W? Whoever started the trigger to bomb Yugoslavia, should had known that such an action, FOR ONE REASON OR THE OTHER, would create exodus and killings. CNN shows 500K uprooted Albanians but none of the 2 million uprooted Serbs (half of my wider family is now uprooted). CNN doesnt say how bombs killed +1000 Serbs, which is much more than "genocided" Albanians. When we see on CNN "Albanian MassGraves," we recognize Serb MassGraves photos of Croatia. Towns of Aleksinac and Cuprija do not exist any more. Students and workers get killed while they protect bridges and factories with their bodies, and sing sad songs, like early Christians surrounded by beasts! Babies killed! This looks a lot like Vietnam: TO SAVE THAT VILLAGE, WE HAD TO DESTROY IT! Saving Serbian people from Milosevic by killing Serbian people!? Serbs beleive, their only guilt is: they're the last patch of Europe which did not let NATO in (as member or partner). When Serbs said NO to Stalin, West loved them. When they say NO to NATO, West satanizes them! Entir 90s! All other reasons - just a cover up! If human rights were the real reason, NATO would first bomb Turkey (Kurds). Better not mention other examples! Email that I get from Europe, esspecialy from NATO countries like Italy or Greece, is 90% supportive of Serbs, but 90% of email that I get from US is pretty AGGRESIVE!? I do not want my US friends to oppose their government, as it could hurt them. I just want them understand what's really going on! 90% OF GERMANS SUPPORTED HITLER'S BOMBING OF BELGRADE AND LONDON IN WW-II!

For VM

p.s. Serbian medieval monasteries w UNESCO protected WORLD'S BEST frescos of centuries XI to XIV (older than Vatican or Florence) are SEVERELY DAMAGED! Serbs feel NATO wants to destroy their national pride/soul! Remember, TWO SERBS ARE LISTED AS TOP TEN CONTRIBUTORS OF ALL TIMES TO EL. ENG. RESEARCH/EDUCATION: TESLA + PUPIN (see centenial IEEE Spectrum 1984)! How many other nations in the world can claim the same? Remember, most of those who visited our semi-annual symposia said, RARELY IN THEIR LIVE, their soul and eyes were so happy, in the spiritual sense. More than anything else, this tells about the sole/spirit of Serbs. That soul/spirit is now facing death! Deaths costing NATO tax-payers $2B/week! Remember, those who knew my students (thru joint research) were impressed with their talent. That talent now faces death, even if not hit directly, since missiles are filled with depleted uranium (DU) causing cancer! Why? Because, IF ALL ONE HAS IS A HAMMER, THEN EACH PROBLEM LOOKS LIKE A NAIL!

Русский переплет


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